Ever wanted to try Yoga but felt worried about feeling out of place/not good enough/not flexible enough/not fit enough...not 'something' enough? We are here to tell you, YOU ARE ENOUGH!
Scroll to bottom to see what some of our students are saying about us 💗
7.30pm with Kerrie
9.30am with Karen
5.30pm with Karen
6.45pm with Karen
8pm with Kerrie
9.;30am with Kerrie
6pm with Kerrie
9.30am with Karen
To book a class or find out more, use the 'contact us' section at the bottom of this page. Classes are £6 each or £30 for a block of 6.
This is me. Karen or Bird as I am mostly known. I am a wife/mum in my 50s & am pretty run of the mill. Not really what you expect of a ‘yoga teacher’. (I would have expected a young, skinny, bendy, tanned person before I actually trained as a yoga teacher)
As a yoga teacher I am a facilitator not a performer. There is also a reason it’s called a yoga *practice*. We are all practicing alongside each other. My aim is to share the knowledge I have learned during and since my Yoga teacher training.
Is that a fancy statement which actually says “I am not mega bendy and I don’t know everything’? Maybe!
What I do know, is that Yoga helps me massively and I want to share that with you.
In 2024 we welcomed Kerrie as a teacher. Kerrie had been coming to class since Karen started teaching and was the perfect person to join as a YogaBird. It is very important that classes are consistent on every level and Kerrie is the perfect fit for that. Her humour, passion for Yoga and non-judegemental, welcoming nature are perfect!
All of our classes are small, friendly & 100% suitable for beginners. We will always give alternatives and let you know if a pose isn't suitable for particular health concern. By attending a YogaBird class, you are agreeing that you will be non-judgemental of others and can feel safe in the knowledge that you will also not be judged. We are all different. Different sizes, abilities, ages, life stage. My body will make a different shape in a Yoga pose to yours and that is more than OK.
Your health & safety is of utmost importance to us. If you are interested in coming along to a class, please complete a student questionnaire form by clicking the box below & we will get in touch with you.
I am a Holistic Therapist & Trainer and have always been interested in Yoga, I have practiced on and off since my 20s. During the pandemic, like many others, I took up Yoga with an online studio. I then completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with a traditional Yoga academy based in Thailand. All via the magic of Zoom! It was a wonderful opportunity to learn this way. Pre-Covid, the only way to experience this would have been to visit an ashram for 3 months.
YogaBird classes take place at Plymouth Wellbeing Centre.
Unit 4, Lynher House, Bush Park, Plymouth, PL6 7RG, United Kingdom
Karen 07525930067 Kerrie 07540101317 hello@wellbeingplymouth.co.uk